Vc 2010 redistributable

I'm not too tech savvy and I don't want to mess up installation. I'm kind of familiar with directx, but I'm not sure what vc++ 2010 redistributable is, nor do I know what the check mark boxes next to them do. Do I check them if I don't have them installed? Or check them if I already As the title reads, after I updated to Windows 10, for some reason, just the 2010 version of vc++ won't wok all of a sudden. I've tried repairing and then reinstalling Net, I've tried turning off anti-virus, I've run as administrator, everything. Whether installing from a game or straight from the source, the install always fails, and the error code is always 0x80070643, which I know is a generic code. Is this a known issue? Am I just not able to code/game on vc++ 2010 anymore? Someone, please. I'm really craving to come back so I hope I can find something that works. I've tried VPN, clearing cache/cookies, and adding exceptions to firewall, but maybe I did it wrong or there's other methods that actually would work which is why I'm appealing directly to people who have solved this so they may be able to give me specifics. amp#x200B; So here's the process/problem: 1. Get Install\_ESO.exe from the main website and run it, it opens the Elder Scrolls Online installer (the thing I am visiting family for a week and I brought my laptop instead of my desktop. I have played rocket league on the laptop before so it has all the necessary system requirements. Today I tried to launch and the game just said running, then nothing at all. Attempted fixes: Verified the game cache Tried updating all accessory drivers Checked for windows updates Restarted steam multiple times Repaired VC 2010 redistributable's Uninstalled and reinstalled Rocket League Restarte. After doing quite a bit of digging, I have finally found a work-around solution for "Error 1612" - The error code that displays after Origin-PC installations of Apex Legends had failed for many players. This fix worked for my Windows 10 computer, although they might also work for Windows 7 computers as well. # TLDR Fix steps: 1. Clean your Apex folder's redist file 1. \Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\\_\_Installer\directx\redist folder of all except the 3 critical files. I just bought a new MB, CPU and RAM. I'm running a Ryzen 7 2700X, Gigabyte AORUS Ultra Gaming MB and 16GB DDR4-3000 RAM and a Radeon HD 7970(R9 200). Before I was running an AMD FX-4100 and 8GB DDR3 with the same graphics card. I've logged many hours on that setup, so I know it's not a problem with my graphics card. OS is Windows 10 Home. Anyway, as the title says, I launch the game and get the music and Hello Games logo, then the whirling circle cursor. If I click the mouse a window Many pieces of software require you to have the 2015 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed - however the official download was taken down yesterday? This was the old address: - it still appears in a google search. Is there any other way I can get the redist without downloading from a dodgy website? Was this removal intentional? EDIT: With a bit of detective work, it looks like the direct file links from microsoft. Hi All, just wanted to share my experience with you. Last week I decided to give a go to the Windows 10 Creators Update, as it mentioned some benefits for gaming. I updated, and since it was a weekday, didn't try to play till today. Found that the Launcher would get stuck on "Loading" forever. After some log reading and googling and testing, I was able to get it back to work. The thing is, the update installed some newer versions of the VC++ 2010 and 2015 redistributables, which broke MSVCP100. I'm asking about SOMA and I'm trying to run it via Steam. When I start the game now, it just says this: "Soma.exe has stopped working" It used to work perfectly and this started happening recently. I haven't played SOMA for a few months. I'm 95% certain it's VC redistributable issue, as removing every single VS redistributable from my system causes the SOMA.exe file to not run at all. (Yes, I'm fine with uninstalling them all and I'm aware of the implications of doing so). I found I was trying to download the Sims 4 when I received an error that read "The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. (1612)" I have tried to fix it myself. I first attempted to download C++ 2010 redistributable package as someone else said that worked. However, when I tried to run it, I was told that I have an updated version already installed. I then went to programs and features and tried to repair it that way. It said it was repaired. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 ( Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 x64 ( Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 ( I get the error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. (1603). Now I know the problem is the C++ 2010 version. I can't install this because every time I try, I get a fatal error that cancels the installation of the C++ 2010 for both the x64 and x86 version. Any help would be appreciated. I can't install updates KB2796590 and KB2961149. Running the troubleshooter doesn't work and it also showed that the database was corrupted. It "fixed" it but running the troubleshooter showed it was still corrupted. Error log on one of the updates: OS Version = 6.2.9200, Platform 2 OS Description = Future OS - x64 CommandLine = c:b366078e0c8ff4c4107839\Setup.exe TimeZone = Eastern Daylight Time Initial LCID = 1033 Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism Operation: Installing. Hello, I recently purchased a new laptop and am trying to remove bloatware without doing a clean install. I have already removed some but I may still have some left. Could you guys tell me which programs I can/should uninstall? Thank you for your time. Programs on my laptop: Google Chrome Lenovo OneKey Recovery LenovoUtility. I have a brand new PC, with Windows 10 Home on it. For some reason it's stubbornly refusing the install the 2010 versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, which I need to play a particular Steam game I like. It fails during installation, but looking at a log that appears, I see this: OS Version = 6.2.9200, Platform 2 OS Description = Future OS - x64 CommandLine = d:\cdc4a47302ed44011ca0b11467dc\Setup.exe TimeZone = GMT Daylight Time Initial LCID = 2057 Using Simultaneous. Hi all, I'm making this post on the behalf of a friend not on Reddit who's new to PC gaming and wanting to play The Sims 4. He's gotten an Origin account set up, has the game on disk, and was able to start the installation; however we seem to have a major problem getting the game installed. The game is "downloaded" on Origin, however when right clicking the game icon amp clicking Install, an issue occurs with the following message box: "Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package. Or, at least, many of them. I don't know if some of my programs that rely on the C++ runtimes are working, but every single adobe application that I had installed (Lightroom, Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator, After Effects) now fails to launch with errors that MSVCR110.dll and MSVCP110.dll are missing. Uninstalling them and reinstalling doesn't fix it. Manually installing the redistributable packages from MS doesn't fix it. And when trying to reinstall, this error is given: Exit Code:. Hi there, I wonder if I am the only one who has severe problems with Oculus Home when trying to install new apps. I could install most free stuff from Oculus like Henry or Oculus Video, Chronos did also work, but it's not possible to finish the installation of EVE: Valkyrie ( error ( and Pinball FX2 VR ( error ( Tried it multiple time with various restarts - no success. Message says '(.) has failed to install. Please. I purchased the Crysis bundle from Origin a little while ago and have had trouble installing Crysis 3 (title very vague, I know). All other games in the bundle installed fine, but when trying to install 3 I get a message that reads "Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. (1603)". I tried installing the latest versions of Visual C++ 2015 and 2010 (which the game uses by default), then putting these on the "Crysis 3/_Installer/vc/vc20. So, I'm currently running and Asus G73jh laptop, mostly stock. It's got an i7, 6 gigs of RAM, and an extra HDD I added ages ago. I upgraded to Windows 10 when it first rolled out, and I had some initial problems that I've since ironed out. Until I started actually playing the games I have installed. Basically, whenever I try to install the 2010 VC C++ redistributable, it fails. I've included the log below. OS Version = 6.2.9200, Platform 2 OS Description = Future OS - x64 CommandLine. My game used to crash every two minutes when I was Shanghai/Paracel/ or Dawnbreaker maps. After digging through this subreddit I found some of the player were able to fix the issue by installing the latest VC++ redistributable. I did so and in the mean time I also removed others versions, still no fix, so I stopped playing the above said maps. Few days ago I had to work on Visual Studio 2010 and found that my installation was corrupted(I knew that reason was the missing VC++ files) I Repaired. I recently bought Dragon Age: Inquisition on Origin. I left the install to run for itself, but when I came back a message read on my screen: Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. I went online to check for answers, and I found out that I should go into the game folders and install the vcredist exes that were lying around there. There were four different ones: 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013. All of these give me the error. So I started recording the amount of time it took me after about 2 hours so I could easily be over 12. Anyways when trying to install at 27% I get an error saying: "error: the VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. setup cannot continue. (-2147023293)" I have been told to download Microsoft Visual C++ by pretty much everyone but it always fails to install. It says :A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine. Hi, My laptop is a Dell Vostro 3560. It originally came with Windows 7, but I installed Windows 8 and then upgraded to Windows 8.1 (all x64). Here is a link ( to the full specs; the most relevant ones are the Intel HD Graphics 4000 and the AMD 7670M graphic cards. (the last of which isn't in the specs list, for reasons that will become obvious) The AMD drivers for Windows 8 didn't work; the card apparently wasn't used, and the laptop.