Tboi afterbirth

So, i wanna make a reskin for my game. I don't wanna make a mod, just pernament reskin. I've tried some tutorials, but they don't really seem to work. Can someone explain me, step by step, how to change sprites in Binding of Isaac Afterbirth. Just found out today that you can get gold points for the EU cardtridge. I guess they fixed it in the latest patch. Help me choose i cant decide :( thx in advance. I already tried puttting my save files into offlinestorage/remote but that doesn't work, i can only import my rebirth save, but thats from a year ago so. When i try renaming my AB saves to AB+ format the file's corrupted. Can anyone As background, I've been playing Isaac for a few months now. And I've never had a problem similar to this. I was out of the city for a few days and I didn't have my computer with me. When I came back I tried to launch the game but the screen was black and there was no sound. I waited for half an hour but nothing happened. I had to close the game. Since then, I've been trying all the solutions I've found online. I uninstalled the game, both from my Steam library and my computer multiple times. I've played TBOI: Rebirth via steam family share. I've done just about everything that I feel like I'm gonna be able to on that version, so I picked up Afterbirth and sent it to my buddy. Every other game he has that has DLC, I can see the DLC tab from the library listing, but I don't see that for Afterbirth at all, and it still loads up as just Rebirth. Is it just not able to be shared currently .66 on steam. My opinion about the bosses in this game is the health, for some reason the bosses have really low health and it's kinda weird to see Hush having more health than Mega Satan and the Lamb. So that's why i hope AB+ gives us a insane final boss that is actually feeling like the final fight instead of a boss in the middle of the run that is for some reason more powerful than the bosses in the end of the run. Wouldn't you guys agree Whenever I open it, it starts to jump and then crashes, without any steam errors, but instead a mac error saying it crashed unexpectedly.