Петербургский договор 1875

Санкт-Петербургский договор 1875 года — договор между Российской империей и Японией «об обмене территориями» 1 . Оригинал написан на французском языке. Договор об Илийском крае (1881) . Санкт-Петербургский договор 1875 года . Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875) Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1881) Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875) stemming. Example sentences with "Treaty of Saint Petersburg", translation memory. add example. en I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a decision Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875). Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better. The Treaty of Saint Petersburg (樺太・千島交換条約 Karafuto-Chishima Kōkan Jōyaku) (Russian:Петербургский договор) between the Empire of Japan and Empire of Russia was signed on 7 May 1875, and its ratifications exchanged at Tokyo on 22 August. The Treaty of Saint Petersburg (樺太・千島交換条約, Karafuto-Chishima Kōkan Jōyaku) (Russian:Петербургский договор) between the Empire of Japan and Empire of Russia was signed on 7 May 1875, and its ratifications exchanged at Tokyo on 22 August. The Treaty of Saint Petersburg ( 樺太・千島交換条約 , Karafuto-Chishima Kōkan Jōyaku ) ( Russian :Петербургский договор) between the Empire of Japan and Empire of Russia was signed on 7 May 1875, and its ratifications exchanged at Tokyo on 22 August. ) (Russian:Петербургский договор) was signed on 7 May 1875 between the Empire of Japan and Empire of Russia. Its terms stipulated that Japan give up all claims to Sakhalin island in exchange for undisputed sovereignty over all the Kuril islands up to the Kamchatka peninsula. The Treaty of Saint Petersburg (樺太・千島交換条約, Karafuto-Chishima Kōkan Jōyaku?) (Russian:Петербургский договор) was signed on 7 May 1875 between the Empire of Japan and Empire of Russia.